42 specticle flo herbicide
Tetrino® | Bayer Environmental Science US Herbicide Specticle FLO. When weeds don't grow, your business can. ... See product Herbicide Specticle G. Specticle G is a versatile, premergence herbicide that sets TZone Herbicide | Reinders Chemicals | Reinders Reinders, Inc. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. W227 N6225 Sussex Road Sussex, WI 53089-3969 CUSTOMER SERVICE / SALES: (262) 786-3301. customerservice@reinders.com
Nutsedge issues | Home & Garden Sep 13, 2022 · I just checked my bottle of Sedgehammer, going to spray some this AM, and it’s 5 years old and I haven’t noticed any reduction in efficacy when using it. I do keep these “expensive” granular herbicides, as well as Specticle Flo (liquid), in a conditioned area though to make sure they are not subject to extreme cold or heat.
Specticle flo herbicide