45 the red box on hmis labels indicates
Easy Guide: Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) An HMIS label typically features the following information: Blank space, reserved for the hazardous material's name Blue stripe: Health hazards, labeled "HEALTH" with two squares Red stripe: Flammability, featuring one square Orange stripe: Physical hazard, featuring one square White stripe: Personal protection PDF HMIS® SAMPLE TRAINING PRESENTATION - American Coatings Association \爀屲Container labels provide the initial critical hazard information necessary 對to ensure safe use.\爀屲The SDS provides the detailed summary of all that is known about the hazardous chemical.\爀屲Many employers\ഠalso utilize IN-PLANT labeling systems like HMIS to further summarize hazard information and train employees to understand ...
Section NFPA, HMIS, and 8 OSHA Labels - National Institute of ... From information on HMIS labels, answer the ques-tions below. 6. 9. Task 2 8-11. Fact Sheet #5 Another Labeling System: HMIS IER...